SPN: 5×18 Point of No Return recap

Supernatural never fails to impress me. It’s either plot twists or just fantastic ideas that always makes the ball roll for me. “Point of No Return” is a killer episode in every way.

The 100th episode begins with hated old Zachariah drowning his epic fail in booze, moaning to another recently fired  guy. The way the dialogue was written had me in stitches because Zach sounded just like a poor fired accountant who has been wronged by the office jack. However, Michael comes down in the bar and fries all the other patrons and apparently gives Zach back his job.

Dean has hit rock bottom and is gathering his stuff in a cardbox intending to mail it to Bobby. He is three steps short from Emoville but Sam finds him and confronts him about walking out on him. Dean says that Sam’s not one to talk since “All you’ve ever done is run away.” to which Sammy replies”And I was wrong, every single time I did.” It made my poor heart melt. When Dean continues to be the stubborn dude we’ve all came to love Sam, with Castiel’s help, forces him to follow them to Bobby’s. Bobby tells Dean off reminding him that even though he’s been considering suicide since getting stuck in a wheelchair he’s not doing anything about it because he promised Sam and Dean he wouldn’t give up. Suddenly Castiel seems to be experiencing a searing pain in the head and poofs off to a foresty place where he goes on a showdown with two angels. I love how they have made Angels to be so frigging psycho. Makes good balance with  demons 😛 After the fight he finds Adam (the third Winchester brother we met in last season’s Jump the Shark) trying to climb out of his grave and takes him back to Bobby’s place.

Adam proves he’s a Winchester yet again being Dean-ly sarcastic and Sam-ly resentful of John. He also looks like a smoking hot mix of Sam and Dean and has several of the Winchester mannerisms. As a bad surprise the Angels have mud-talked the boys to Adam, taking him on their side and drops the bomb that the angels now want Adam to be Michael’s vessel. Sam plays the “blood bond” card which fails as Adam is bitter he only got to see John once a year contrary to Dean being jealous (Jump the shark) because John actually went to a game with his other son. Adam wants to say “yes” to Michael so he can see his mom again. Zach has clearly poisoned Adam’s mind with a bunch of lies  “You know Sam and Dean wincester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically co-dependent on each other, right?” I mean WTF?!?!? o___O Honestly this episode gave the slash fangirls heavy material for their fanfiction O_O It gives me the creeps.

We see the panic room once again only this time it’s Dean who’s locked up. He says he’s tired of fighting who he’s supposed to be despite how many times he urged Sam not to give in to his supposed destiny. The dialogue of this scene was even more painful than the episode with the siren where the brothers said really hurtful things to each other.

Dean: “I just don’t believe.”
Sam:”In what?”
Dean: “In you. I mean I don’t…I don’t know whether it’s going to be demon blood or some other demon chick or what but I do know they’re going to find a way to turn you.”

Sam is devastated at Dean’s words. The scene is wonderfully made in all aspects and it made my eyes a bit tearry. A little later Dean manages to escape from Bobby’s panic room by tricking Castiel and using banish on him. It was so harsh that made me understand why the angels want him on their camp. There’s an escape #2 as Adam tips Zach in a dream about his whereabouts and Zach poofs him outta there.

Dean finds a doom sayer outside a Bar (who seems to be a real prophet) and is about to call Michael downstairs but Castiel catches up to him (I’m still not sure how since Dean and Sam are hidden from angels) and beats him to a pulp, being extremely angered that he rebelled just to see Dean fail. In the next scene we see the Heavenly room again with the heavy ladden bouffet we last saw in Lucifer Rising. Excuse me while I have an art-history/victorian-enthusiast-geekgasm because I just adore the rococo design of the room :3 We finally find out or have our suspicions confirmed that Adam was just a bait to lure Dean in a vulnerable position so they can get him say yes to Michael.

Castiel brought Dean back and Dean is once again in the panic room but this time is handcuffed to the bed. Sam however uncuffs him because he still have faith in Dean “Because, you’re still my big brother.” I can finally see the brothers close to become as they were in the first seasons of the show. Castiel takes the Winchesters to the heaven room, located not on Jupiter but in an abandoned warehouse in Van Nuys, California. Castiel says that there must be at least five angels in there and then proceeds onto taking them all so as to let Sam and Dean smuggle Adam out. Before he goes in lets Dean know once more that he has no faith in him anymore and doesn’t want to stick around to see him fail.  He goes in and takes out one angel and then does the biggest badassery sacrfice I have ever seen since Spike’s sacrifice on Buffy. He opens up his shirt and we see he has carved an angel banishing sigil into his chest. He casts the banishment and disappears as well. Dean goes into the room and finds Adam on the floor, blood dripping out of his mouth. Adam is incredulous about Dean coming for him. Zach shows up mocking Dean that he didn’t come unprepared but neither did Dean. Sam attempts to ambush Zach but fails and Zach now has both of Dean’s brothers coughing up blood. Dean breaks and tells “Yes” to Zach and he starts chanting in delighted Enochian to call Michael. This has to be my favourite part of the episode. When they have us dead sure that Dean is gonna be angelmeat he lightly smirks and WINKS AT SAM. Zach announces that Michael is on his way and then Dean drops his bomb. He has conditions and Zach isn’t gonna like them. There are a few people whose safety Zach has to guarantee before Dean says yes. But most of all… Michael can’t have Dean until he disintegrates Zach. Zach freaks out claiming Michael would never kill him but Dean says that after Zach delivers him to Michael he will just be a red shirt. Zach though is extremely sure of himself.

“Michael’s not gonna kill me.” Zach claims as he come nose to nose with Dean “Maybe not.” Dean replies, “but I AM” he then produces the badass blade that can kill the angels and Zach kicks the bucket. A moment which I enjoyed right to the roots of my hair. The Winchesters make a run for it since Michael is soon to be there but Adam is too late to escape the room. We see him turning to look at Michael but we didn’t see whether his eyes burned up or he eventually became Michael’s vessel.

Sam and Dean are in the Impala and Dean is explaining to Sam why he stepped out. It’s because he’s still all for the  family. “[Sam has] always been this snot-nosed kid that I’ve had to keep on the straight and narrow.[…] If you’re grown up enough to find faith in me least I could do is return the favor. So screw destiny right in the face. I say we take the fight to them and do it our way.” The episode ends in the best way possible for me, the brothers reconciled with promises for a fantastic season finale!

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