Archive for sam winchester

Supernatural The Anime

Posted in Anime, Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , , on October 10, 2010 by Geek Tv

OMG I’m in super fangirl mode right now 😀 😀

(Added to Misha returning to the show :B)

Supernatural 5×22 Swan Song Screencaps

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 14, 2010 by Geek Tv

All Hell Breaks Loose 2 Convention Reports

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , on May 10, 2010 by Geek Tv

Hub Productions are presenting two one day Supernatural Cons took place on Saturday the 8th May in Sydney and Sunday the 9th May in Melbourne.Jim Beaver, Misha Collins, Samantha Ferris, Rob Benedict and Julie McNiven are the  confirmed guests.Convention reports are now being added to the Superwiki, you can now read them here

Supernatural: 5×21 Two Minutes to Midnight (late and spoilery) recap

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 8, 2010 by Geek Tv

The lies are over folks. We have reached the penultimate episode of Supernatural’s fifth season.

Pestilence has moved to Iowa, where he’s playing doctor at a nursing home or hospital and giving the patients all sorts of nasty diseases. Dengue Fever, Japanese Encephalitis and the Chicken Pox to name a few. Luckily Pesty isn’t as gross as he was the last time we saw hi- Yes, thanks for the green vomit pal. In the words of wise Giles “You’ve ruined food for me”.

A day earlier the brothers have returned to Bobby’s house before heading off to find Pestilence. Sam apparently has told Dean about his possible plan to say yes to Lucifer to trap him back in the cage. Yay! Step one for brother re-bonding :3 I still think this is a BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD plan and it seems Dean agrees with me. It might be my soft spot for Sam or it might be REALITY KICKING IN!! The phone rings and it is -OMG- Castiel! I missed that dude so much. He’s alive but in a hospital and feels incredibly…human. Turns out the voodoo he worked the last time we saw him drained all his Angelic Mojo. The whole scene is hilarious when Cas describes the pain and itch 😀 Then Castiel apologises to Dean for not believing in him and tells him how proud he is Dean said no to Michael.

The boys head off to Pestilence’s current location in Iowa and take over the security office, trying to figure out which one is Pestilence. They eventually figure it out when he seems to have a buzz on the surveillance cameras following his head.. They try to sneak there but a demon recognises them And if you didn’t realise it was a demon before the eyes went black then you seriously haven’t been watching SPN long enough or enough at all! The demon-nurse notifies Pestilence (who’s still covered in green icky stuff ew ew ew EW!!!) about the boys and tells him they should leave because the Winchesters have a habit of offing horsemen but he decides to unleash the whole Pandora’s Box on them despite Lucifer’s wish/command that the vessels aren’t to be harmed. If Lucy wants them then he can glue them back together. Bwahaha. Right…

Pestilence pollutes the boys with several stuff like scarlet fever, meningitis, and syphilis (again ew) and they lie helpless on the floor, coughing up blood. Pestilence starts the villain talk about how beautiful and pure disease is and that the humans are the ones who are disgusting. Then we have a Deus ex machine, or should I say an angelus ex machina? 😛 That’s right! Castiel saves the day. He apparently got there by bus (LOL – I love that guy ♥) but is obviously affected by the disease spree which makes Pesty really happy since he realises he’s out of angel mojo. Castiel though, catches him off-guard and severs his ring finger. Whoa that was easy… Wasn’t it?  :S However, Pestilence doesn’t seem all too bothered by being several fingers short and disappears telling the guys that “It’s too late”. The guys are healed but are left clearly worried.

Back at Bobby’s place again where Bobby reveals that Death will be in Chicago and that he plans to lay waste to the city, killing 3 million people giving a shitload of details making the Winchesters wonder how he knows so much. The Crowley Tadas and tells them that Bobby did “loan” his soul for Death’s location. Crowley says he will give it back and he seems honest. As honest as a demon can get 😐 The only thing Sam manages to blurt out is whether Bobby kissed Crowley to which Bobby replies a repulsed “NO!”. I was in the middle of telling my hubby that Crowley must have made the bank guy (earlier in the season) to kiss him because he was homophobic but didn’t finish my sentnce as I snorted up my soda when Crowley popped an iPhone and showed the guys the picture of Bobby kissing him, tongue and all LMAO. I cry xD

Sam seems to have mutated into a very calm, down to earth and modest version of himself and admits to Dean that he might be too weak to take on Lucifer and win and contrary to his whole annoying attitude in season 4 (I STILL LOVE YOU SAMMY) he thinks the others are way better men than he. However him saying yes seems like the only plan. Crowley interrupts them and tells them that Niveus Pharmaceuticals (Brady’s medicine company, remember?) will be shipping its swine flu vaccine across the country which is spiked with the croatoan virus. Bwahahaha I didn’t get a vaccine against swine flu! EAT THAT! (Although I did catch swine flu and survived it, rendering the vaccine useless on moi)

Did you watch the promo/commercial with the “O Death” song?  Yup, it showed up in this episode, completely  with music and all Death is strolling in Chicago offing passer bys. The unlikely group splits up: Crowley and Dean are off to Chicago to get Death’s ring, while Sam, Bobby and Castiel are going to try to stop the croatoan virus. Sam muses about when times were simple and they only hunted down ghosts and wendigos. Then out of NOWHERE Crowley hands Dean a scythe that can supposedly kill Death. Well, Death’s own scythe. Then, again out of NOWHERE Crowley reveals he has given Bobby back his walking mojo as part of the deal! Bobby’s back bitch!! And he obviously is very happy, so happy that he spends the night going up and down stairs lmao.

Castiel reveals that he believes Sam’s crazy plan might work because he thinks that Sam might be able to resist Lucifer but warns him that to take in Lucifer, Sam would have to drink gallons of demon blood… Then he drops the (well, expected) bomb: Michael has found another vessel and it is no one other than Adam. I expect Adam will die (again) in the finale cause I really find it unlikely to have him join Sam and Dean in the next season. Sorry man, you apparently are a red shirt.

Bobby, Sam and Castiel arrive on the Niveus warehouse and  come up with an elaborate plan soon to be obsolete because a shipment is leaving earlier than they thought. Sam and Bobby enter the warehouse and off the zombies. Sam helps the civilians escape (and boy was he Hot in that scene. I LOVE YOU JARED!! Hahaha)  Eventually they manage to destroy the virus and then it is Chicago time!

Dean and Crowley arrive in Chicago, but it turns out Crowley was wrong about Death’s exact location but then he accidentally finds him in a pizzeria. Must be a killer pizza. Dean’s intend to enter the restaurant quitely fails since we’re talking about Death himself now, not some kind of reaper. Death then quickly reclaims the scythe from Dean and invites him to join him for pizza. For a moment there I thought he was going to ask Dean to play chess and Dean would curse that Sam wasn’t along 😛  We learn that Death is the oldest of all the horsemen and possibly even older than God and declares that one day he will reap God  as well :S He is also uberly miffed that Lucifer has somehow managed to bind Death to his will. One of the oldest entities in the universe bound to a fallen angel on a tantrum. Nice.  Then (as I expected) Death offers Dean a deal. He will give Dean his ring in order to trap Lucifer again, as well as instructions on how to do so and in exchange, Dean will have to whatever it takes to defeat Lucifer even if that means that he has to allow Sam to say yes to Lucifer.  Dean agrees, but Death warns him not to make false promises, you can’t cheat death after all.

Dean is back in Bobby’s yard, playing around with the four horsemen rings, which are magnetised to each other.Bobby comes along and Dean realises that he made Death a promise he never planned to keep when he agreed to use Sam to defeat Lucifer. Bobby tells Dean that he thinks they may be too hard on Sammy and that he might be more capable of defeating Lucifer than they thought.  He wonders what Dean is more scared of, losing the war or losing his brother? Well duh, what do you think?

The episode ends leaving the boys to deal with a shitload of stuff for the season finale. I really hope they wrap up the arch in season 5 and won’t drag it onto season 6. I’ll be very disappointed if they do 😐 I was very happy at the steadily rebuilding relationship of the brothers. I also loved that they didn’t kill Death. It would seem a bit arrogant I guess. It was a very nice episode. I especially loved the part that lightnings lit up Death’s face making him look ominous and cold(er)

Supernatural: 5×20 The Devil You Know recap

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 1, 2010 by Geek Tv

The episode begins in a similar manner with 28 Days later (I believe the roots of the Croatoan virus lie in this film :3) It’s a lab full of monkeys and lab rats. They’re apparently working on the swine flu vaccine. A “supervisor” appears out of the blue and stabs one of the lab doctors with an injection. Turns out it’s the Croatoan virus. Human attacks human and creates a gorey mess.

Sam and Dean once again fake ID and pretend to be part of the CDC. They want to know if any of the flu victims are exhibiting signs of homicidal tendencies. The doctor obviously think they’re nuts but says that almost two days earlier no one was suffering from the flu, now there are over 70 cases at the hospital. It can’t be a coincidence that statues started crying around the same time. (Again NOT smart to mention that in front of the doc) Seems like a definite job of Pestilence.

Crowley, the crossroads demon we first met in “Abandon All Hope” pops in on Sam and Dean while they’re in the Impala. The brothers immediately try to kill him. The Winchesters have such good reflexes hehehehe. The brothers are extremely (and with every right) angered at him since he was the one that gave them the Colt to take down Lucifer and the Colt didn’t do a thing. And even worse, Jo and Ellen died in the process. (I still believe they’ll somehow pop back alive and yell SURPRISE! 😐 ) Crowley, though, says he still wants to take down Lucifer and says how to get Pestilence. He’s in an even bigger hurry to stop the apocalypse because Lucifer now knows Crowley’s out to get him which makes him a wanted demon. Crowley also knows about the rings of the Horsemen as he had his valet hide a magical tracking device in the Metallicar the night the Winchesters broke into his house. Son of a… He knows everything  claims he has heard. He tells the boys they have to track down a demon whose job it is to handle the itinerary for the Horsemen. You know, running over the logistics, restocking on sugar and coffee around the office and all. LOL.

This demon, Brady, works for a pharmaceuticals company (Niveus) and they have a vaccine that will “help cure” the recent flu outbreak. After an executive meeting the demon, Brady slits the throat of one of his employees (because the poor man said he was doing his best :S) and uses his blood to call Pestilence.

An increasingly angry Sam doesn’t want to listen to Crowley while Dean doesn’t see any reason not to listen to him.  Sam has been listening to Demons forever though and is probably sick of it. Dean, however, believes Crowley which might be the stupidest thing ever but what choice do they have? Crowley takes Dean on the Brady mission leaving Sam behind (in spite of Sam’s will) Sam’s, of course, not happy about it. He calls Bobby and the two share a drink while Sam tells him what just happened. Sam then asks Bobby about the time he was possessed and he took back his body. That’s how he ended up in the wheelchair. Anyway, Sam wants to know how he did it. Sam’s thinking he can say yes to Lucifer but somehow take back possession long enough to lock him in the cage. I really saw this one coming. Ever since the end of the last episode I expected Sammy would suggest/do something incredibly stupid like this.  Bobby tells Sam how ridiculous the idea really is but Sam says he won’t do it not unless they all agree. As I said: I expect bro showdown

Dean and Crowley, show up at Niveus to get Brady. Crowley kills a couple of the guards and forces Dean to godo the deed alone and sends him up to the executive floor. Dean faces Brady who wants nothing to do with the rings Dean is “offering” him. He says he just wants retribution for Dean rendering War and Famine useless. Brady startsbeating Dean down badly. Dean retreas in shock only to lead Brady into the open arms or rather Demon Trap-Bag. Oh yeah. THAT was the plan o_O

Crowley carves stuff on Brady’s chest to make sure the demon’s locked in the meat suit. He then tells Dean to head in a different direction because they can’t take Brady back to his brother because the two have a history. AND AT THIS MOMENT I get an epiphany and remember where I know the bs from! Dean stops the car and demands to know the details.

Sam is waiting impatiently at the cabin and goes to Dean who’s tying up the prisoner. Dean asks Sam to focus and stay on mission and hopes that Sam won’t let his anger mess him up. Sam finally finds out that the prisoner is his best friend from Stanford. The one who introduced him to Jessica. OK, did have an epiphany before but I’d never imagine this hadn’t it been for the previous scene 😛  Turns out that Brady’s been a demon  all along. Sam of course is mad. Crowley fails to get the whereabouts of Pestilence out of Brady and Sam locks Dean in the bathroom and goes after his ex-best friend. Brady explains how the Yellow-Eyed Demon had Brady possessed after it looked like they were losing Sam. A possessed Brady introduced him to Jessica, waited for them to fall in love and then “toasted her on the ceiling.” Poor poor Sammy and poor Jessica 😦 Brady then proceeds on describing in detail the night he killed Jessica. Sam angrily takes the knife to Brady’s throat but refrains from killing him! Way to go Sammy ❤

Crowley comes back and he lets Brady know he’s also a wanted demon. Hahaha this was golden! Unfortunately, right then a hellhound howls and apparently everyone is afraid of the hellhounds. Even Demons. I especially liked the detail of Dean freaking out at the mere thought of the hellhounds as he did die from them. Anyway, the hellhound apparently followed Crowley back  which is all right though. Crowley brings over his own pet hellhound (My dog is bigger than yours)  A friggin cool invisible hell hound fight ensues. Loved the effects :3 The Winchesters, Crowley and Brady flee. They manage to get the whereabouts of Pestilence out of Brady and Crowley leaves. Then you notice Sammy who is standing very very still and looks very very angry. Dean salts the way out for Brady and it’s Sammy revenge showdown time. Sam is about to fry the demon but then Brady starts saying that the reason why Sam fell for what Brady and Ruby and the YED was because they all have the same stuff running through their veins and deep down he’s just like them. Sam though drives the knife home and offs the annoying frak for good.  Sam’s priceless response to Brady “Interesting theory.”

Bobby’s on the phone with Rufus but then Crowley shows up and wants Bobby to make a deal with him. Crowley needs a soul in order to work up some magic that’ll get him the location for the fourth and final horseman. He says it’s only temporary, that he’ll give the soul back and it seems Bobby is considering it :S Ouch, ouch ouch! Hello??? Demons lie all the time Bobby, you’re better than that!


I never seem able to stop saying wow after an SPN episode. This one really reminded me a bit of Season 2. The atmosphere was very similar. And I missed the black eyed sobs! I am really happy with Sam who proved he could control himself when he didn’t kill Brady the first time around but I also loved him offing the bastard in the end. If there’s one death he deserved to deliver this was the one. I utterly adored Jared’s performance in this episode. The guy rocks, he has proven that many times, but he was fantastic. He generates the anger vibe so well you might start wondering if he’s not an angry person himself 😛

I posted the screencaps earlier so here’s a link to the screencap post:

Supernatural Swan Song sneak peek

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , on April 30, 2010 by Geek Tv

Will Sam say yes to Lucifer? I personally believe he will  and it’s gonna be brother showdown :PpP

Click here to read Zap2it’s article on Supernatural’s fifth season finale.  HUGE SPOILERS

Supernatural Stills of 5×22 Swan Song!!

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 29, 2010 by Geek Tv

Supernatural: 5×19 Hammer of the Gods recap

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 24, 2010 by Geek Tv

Welcome to the hotel california
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely face


Ok, now that I got your attention I should say up front that I loved the last SPN episode so if you hated it stop reading now cause I enjoyed it much and I’m very cranky when people disagree with me, lol 😀

The episode starts with an apparently abandoned hotel. The first dude we meet in the hotel shouts “Dead man walking” all over the place and sure enough a  bellboy appears and kills him before the splash screen and apparently the dude is the… dinner o__O

Sam and Dean drive in a storm and arrive at the (now fully illuminated) Elysian Fields Hotel. The place looks far from abandoned and quite at the luxurious side of the road. A man checks them in and points that Dean has a shaving nick which seems very weird since Dean hadn’t noticed before. He then directs them to the all-you-can-eat 24 hour buffet with the best pie in the tri-state. As a good spn fan knows pie in SPN=trouble. As Dean is eating, Sam, insists they should hit the road despite the storm but Dean insists he’s not giving up and they go to their room. On the way they bump into a couple kissing in the hallway and Dean wears a really silly smile on his face 😛

The brothers’ room turns out really polished and even includes porn, chocolate and funky beds. Sam wonders why there’s a four-star hotel in the middle of nowhere. They hear the couple in the room next door and the wall shakes with a heavy impact. They go tocheck if everything’s okay but the couple seems to have disappeared. Dean finds a wedding ring but nothing else. They talk to the clerk, who informs them that the Logans have checked out andputs the ring in the lost and found. The Winchesters of course, don’t buy it and split up to investigate. Sam follows the clerk, who disappears in a dead-end hallway but as he looks around, Sam feels a pinch on his neck and discovers a cut very similar to the one Dean had when they checked in. In the meantime, Dean is searching the hallways (with my long lost beloved  EMF meter ♥♥ I missed you buddy!!) when he walks past an elephant and of course sees nothing but a man when he doublechecks.

A very attractive woman (who Dean tried to hit on earlier) and a man are talking when the clerk comes in and informs them that everyone is there and that he’s stolen the brothers’ blood. (AHA!)  Tada! Turns out to be Mercury ( I was really disappointed they chose the Roman name instead of the Greek Hermes… 😥  )

Dean tells Sam what he saw and they discover that they’re locked up in the Hotel California and everyone else has gone. They go to the kitchen and Dean checks the soup in which despite his wishes are not tomatoes but human eyeballs. Sam checks out the walk-in freezer and several people start pounding on the window. OK I expected this because of the tone the music had but it still scared the crap out of me 😛 Two men appear and force the brothers to the main ballroom. The main guests are there, wearing hello stickers (LMAO) with their names on and it (duh) turns out they’re all Gods. Some of them: Ganesh, Kali, Odin, Baldur, Baron Samedi and several others who didn’t mention their name.(this reminded me so much of my beloved SG-1 and the Goa’uld) Mercury arrives and serves the really gross severed head of the security guard. Baldur then announces that their guests of honor, the Winchesters, have arrived.

Everyone sits and Baldur reminds everyone that rampant slaughtering of each other isn’t allowed as they’re supposed to put their disagreements aside and look to the future. There’s a really funny sequence where the Gods argue about whose apocalypse is better (apart from the Christian one the Norse is my fave, sorry rest of religions 😛 ) and Dean and Sam try to slip away but Kali, stops them and says that the angels will only understand violence. When Mercury suggests talking she makes him bleed until Baldur stops her. My favourite villain of all times (bar the YED) Gabriel aka Loki aka The Trickster suddenly arrives but the Gods don’t seem to know he’s an archangel. Gabriel admits that they can’t stop the Apocalypse and then teleports Sam and Dean to their room so the grown ups can talk in private. The brothers are extremely freaked out and uber boned and figure they should free the prisoners. Just then Gabriel teleports in and explains that he’s there to save them because he and Kali have history. Sam suggests that they might have the gods fight Lucifer but Gabriel warns that they don’t stand a chance. When Dean suggests Gabriel sneak them out, he explains that they’re leashed to the hotel by a blood spell.

Gabriel appears in Kali’s room and flirts with her, those two obviously have history and Gabriel wasn’t lying. Dean and Sam try to sneak out through the ballroom, but can only watch as the gods kill one of the human guests. Gabriel suggests that they should run and there’s no way that they can fight. Kali insists that she has to, and they kiss. Sam tries to pick the lock of the freezer but Zao Jun attacks him.However, Dean sneaks up on him and manages to stab him in the chest. Gabriel tries to get the brothers’ vials of blood, but Kali scratches him with her fingernails and says that he’s hers (Gabriel is mine! :P).

Dean and Sam are brought back to the ballroom with Gabriel and Kali explains that she knew who Gabriel is all along, and that he has something she wants. She takes his archangel blade and tells everyone who he is. Gabriel explains that he’s a runaway but Kali insists that there are billions of other gods that were there first and if someone is going to frak up the world it has to be her. She then stabs Gabriel in the chest with his archangel blade and he apparently dies. With no other options left, Dean gets up and tells the Gods that he’s going to help them kill Lucifer by summoning the Prince of Darkness but they have to let the human guests go. The gods agree but as Dean helps them out he sees Gabriel hiding in the Impala. Ha, did you really believe he was gone that easilyq Cause I didn’t =) Gabriel explains that it was a fake sword but he needs Dean to get the blood and free them all. Dean suggests Gabriel should help them because they are all out of other options. Gabriel declares he’s going to leave, but Dean says it takes one to know one, and he knows Gabriel still cares about them. Gabriel admits he can’t kill his brother, but Dean asks if he can’t or won’t. When Gabriel doesn’t answer, Dean figures he’s right and leaves.

Sam tells Kali to remove the sigils from his ribs so Lucifer can find him. But before she can do it Dean arrives and tells them that Gabriel tricked them and that the sword would have no effect on Luci. Summoned or not by rinbs or a phonecall, Lucifer arrives at the front desk and Mercury is expecting him. Being who he is he has betrayed everyone and summoned Lucifer out of fear of what the other gods would do. Lucifer is unimpressed, comments on how the pagan gods are so petty, and snaps Mercury’s without a second thought. So much for being fast Merc.

In the ballroom, the lights flicker and Lucifer easily smashes his way through the other gods and starts killing them off one by one. Whne it is Kali’s turn she bursts into flames to defend herself. Lucifer however smashes her and is about to kill her when Gabriel appears with Sam and Dean, gives them a porn DVD and tells them to guard it with their lives (ROFLMFAO). He then smashes Lucifer back and helps Kali up, wielding the archangel’s blade. He tells Sam and Dean to get her out, while Lucifer notes that he’s slumming. Gabriel accuses him of playing the victim even though God loved him more than any other angel until God created his new baby, humans. Now it’s time to grow up.

Outside, Dean and Sam drive away with Kali as the storm grows. Inside, Gabriel says that he doesn’t care about Michael either, and that his loyalty is to people in the meantime a second Gabriel is sneaking up on Luci. Lucifer though turns and kills the real Gabriel with his blade, ignoring the illusion Gabriel. He finishes off his brother (for good this time) and looks down on his corpse, crying.

Apparently the day after, Dean and Sam stop off to watch Gabriel’s porn movie on their laptop. Gabriel is the actor in the movie, and then turns to tell Sam and Dean what the hell is going on. The pre-recorded message explains that he’s dead and they’ve got no chance of killing Lucifer. However, he explains that the cage that they sprung Lucifer from can still hold him, if they can get the cage open and trick Lucifer back into it while avoiding the angels. Most importantly, the four keys to the cage are out there: the four Rings of the Horsemen. If they can get all four rings, they can contain him. The brothers finally have some luck on their side as they already have two rings, and they just need the rings of Pestilence and Death. Hooray!

In a small shop, a store clerk is preparing to swat a fly when a man in a green car walks into the hotel. He coughs, sneezes repeatedly, and covers everything in snot and flies. I kept the entire time inverting my eyes and shouting insults to the telly while this dude was on. I read elsewhere, cause I couldn’t stand watching it that he bought some flu medicine and sneezes on the clerk. EW EW EW EW! USE A HAND YOU ASS!  As he leaves in his rusty car, there’s a swarm of flies in the car around him. His license plate reads SIKN TRD (sick and tired). Hello Pestilence, it was not a pleasure meeting you. YUCK. You made my hypohondriac cells take over my entire body D:


When I love a show, I love it for a reason and I usually stand up for it even if I believe the episode sub-par. As I said, I’m no critic, I’m just a fangirl/enthusiast/geek who wants to discuss her favourite shows. I feel obliged to write these things because I read some reviews on Hammer of the Gods and seems that several people found it outrageous and too much. Well I didn’t. I love SPN to pieces and I even stuck to it through the emoville phase. Maybe it’s the fact that I like the brothers’ chemistry that much. Maybe it’s the fantastic music of the show and maybe, just maybe, it has to do with my addiction to the paranormal and supernatural culture/stories/legends since I was very young that makes me adore this show.

I really liked Hammer of the Gods it had the right amounts of creepy, funny and lore to make me twitch for more. I will probably watch it again tomorrow (while I wait for Doctor Who) but I am sure this has made it into my favourite episodes list. I admit that it didn’t top the AMAGADFANTASTIC Point of no return but not all episodes can be that epic. Geek TV rates Hammer of the Gods a 9 which is absolutely symbolic as I don’t do ratings. With those out of the way, it is time for picspam!!

The following picspam is rated PG15 as it contains some gorey images

SPN: 5×18 Point of No Return recap

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on April 16, 2010 by Geek Tv

Supernatural never fails to impress me. It’s either plot twists or just fantastic ideas that always makes the ball roll for me. “Point of No Return” is a killer episode in every way.

The 100th episode begins with hated old Zachariah drowning his epic fail in booze, moaning to another recently fired  guy. The way the dialogue was written had me in stitches because Zach sounded just like a poor fired accountant who has been wronged by the office jack. However, Michael comes down in the bar and fries all the other patrons and apparently gives Zach back his job.

Dean has hit rock bottom and is gathering his stuff in a cardbox intending to mail it to Bobby. He is three steps short from Emoville but Sam finds him and confronts him about walking out on him. Dean says that Sam’s not one to talk since “All you’ve ever done is run away.” to which Sammy replies”And I was wrong, every single time I did.” It made my poor heart melt. When Dean continues to be the stubborn dude we’ve all came to love Sam, with Castiel’s help, forces him to follow them to Bobby’s. Bobby tells Dean off reminding him that even though he’s been considering suicide since getting stuck in a wheelchair he’s not doing anything about it because he promised Sam and Dean he wouldn’t give up. Suddenly Castiel seems to be experiencing a searing pain in the head and poofs off to a foresty place where he goes on a showdown with two angels. I love how they have made Angels to be so frigging psycho. Makes good balance with  demons 😛 After the fight he finds Adam (the third Winchester brother we met in last season’s Jump the Shark) trying to climb out of his grave and takes him back to Bobby’s place.

Adam proves he’s a Winchester yet again being Dean-ly sarcastic and Sam-ly resentful of John. He also looks like a smoking hot mix of Sam and Dean and has several of the Winchester mannerisms. As a bad surprise the Angels have mud-talked the boys to Adam, taking him on their side and drops the bomb that the angels now want Adam to be Michael’s vessel. Sam plays the “blood bond” card which fails as Adam is bitter he only got to see John once a year contrary to Dean being jealous (Jump the shark) because John actually went to a game with his other son. Adam wants to say “yes” to Michael so he can see his mom again. Zach has clearly poisoned Adam’s mind with a bunch of lies  “You know Sam and Dean wincester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically co-dependent on each other, right?” I mean WTF?!?!? o___O Honestly this episode gave the slash fangirls heavy material for their fanfiction O_O It gives me the creeps.

We see the panic room once again only this time it’s Dean who’s locked up. He says he’s tired of fighting who he’s supposed to be despite how many times he urged Sam not to give in to his supposed destiny. The dialogue of this scene was even more painful than the episode with the siren where the brothers said really hurtful things to each other.

Dean: “I just don’t believe.”
Sam:”In what?”
Dean: “In you. I mean I don’t…I don’t know whether it’s going to be demon blood or some other demon chick or what but I do know they’re going to find a way to turn you.”

Sam is devastated at Dean’s words. The scene is wonderfully made in all aspects and it made my eyes a bit tearry. A little later Dean manages to escape from Bobby’s panic room by tricking Castiel and using banish on him. It was so harsh that made me understand why the angels want him on their camp. There’s an escape #2 as Adam tips Zach in a dream about his whereabouts and Zach poofs him outta there.

Dean finds a doom sayer outside a Bar (who seems to be a real prophet) and is about to call Michael downstairs but Castiel catches up to him (I’m still not sure how since Dean and Sam are hidden from angels) and beats him to a pulp, being extremely angered that he rebelled just to see Dean fail. In the next scene we see the Heavenly room again with the heavy ladden bouffet we last saw in Lucifer Rising. Excuse me while I have an art-history/victorian-enthusiast-geekgasm because I just adore the rococo design of the room :3 We finally find out or have our suspicions confirmed that Adam was just a bait to lure Dean in a vulnerable position so they can get him say yes to Michael.

Castiel brought Dean back and Dean is once again in the panic room but this time is handcuffed to the bed. Sam however uncuffs him because he still have faith in Dean “Because, you’re still my big brother.” I can finally see the brothers close to become as they were in the first seasons of the show. Castiel takes the Winchesters to the heaven room, located not on Jupiter but in an abandoned warehouse in Van Nuys, California. Castiel says that there must be at least five angels in there and then proceeds onto taking them all so as to let Sam and Dean smuggle Adam out. Before he goes in lets Dean know once more that he has no faith in him anymore and doesn’t want to stick around to see him fail.  He goes in and takes out one angel and then does the biggest badassery sacrfice I have ever seen since Spike’s sacrifice on Buffy. He opens up his shirt and we see he has carved an angel banishing sigil into his chest. He casts the banishment and disappears as well. Dean goes into the room and finds Adam on the floor, blood dripping out of his mouth. Adam is incredulous about Dean coming for him. Zach shows up mocking Dean that he didn’t come unprepared but neither did Dean. Sam attempts to ambush Zach but fails and Zach now has both of Dean’s brothers coughing up blood. Dean breaks and tells “Yes” to Zach and he starts chanting in delighted Enochian to call Michael. This has to be my favourite part of the episode. When they have us dead sure that Dean is gonna be angelmeat he lightly smirks and WINKS AT SAM. Zach announces that Michael is on his way and then Dean drops his bomb. He has conditions and Zach isn’t gonna like them. There are a few people whose safety Zach has to guarantee before Dean says yes. But most of all… Michael can’t have Dean until he disintegrates Zach. Zach freaks out claiming Michael would never kill him but Dean says that after Zach delivers him to Michael he will just be a red shirt. Zach though is extremely sure of himself.

“Michael’s not gonna kill me.” Zach claims as he come nose to nose with Dean “Maybe not.” Dean replies, “but I AM” he then produces the badass blade that can kill the angels and Zach kicks the bucket. A moment which I enjoyed right to the roots of my hair. The Winchesters make a run for it since Michael is soon to be there but Adam is too late to escape the room. We see him turning to look at Michael but we didn’t see whether his eyes burned up or he eventually became Michael’s vessel.

Sam and Dean are in the Impala and Dean is explaining to Sam why he stepped out. It’s because he’s still all for the  family. “[Sam has] always been this snot-nosed kid that I’ve had to keep on the straight and narrow.[…] If you’re grown up enough to find faith in me least I could do is return the favor. So screw destiny right in the face. I say we take the fight to them and do it our way.” The episode ends in the best way possible for me, the brothers reconciled with promises for a fantastic season finale!

SPN: 5×19 Hammer of the Gods trailer and summary

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 16, 2010 by Geek Tv

Sam  and Dean are kidnapped by a group of gods, including Kali, Ganesh and Baldur and held hostage in a small hotel. The gods want to use Sam and Dean as bargaining chips to stop the Apocalypse, but Gabriel shows up and warns them that if Lucifer finds them he will kill them all. Unfortunately, one of the gods turns on the rest and Lucifer appears.

Last night’s episode review coming soon!