Archive for apocalypse

Supernatural: 5×21 Two Minutes to Midnight (late and spoilery) recap

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 8, 2010 by Geek Tv

The lies are over folks. We have reached the penultimate episode of Supernatural’s fifth season.

Pestilence has moved to Iowa, where he’s playing doctor at a nursing home or hospital and giving the patients all sorts of nasty diseases. Dengue Fever, Japanese Encephalitis and the Chicken Pox to name a few. Luckily Pesty isn’t as gross as he was the last time we saw hi- Yes, thanks for the green vomit pal. In the words of wise Giles “You’ve ruined food for me”.

A day earlier the brothers have returned to Bobby’s house before heading off to find Pestilence. Sam apparently has told Dean about his possible plan to say yes to Lucifer to trap him back in the cage. Yay! Step one for brother re-bonding :3 I still think this is a BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD plan and it seems Dean agrees with me. It might be my soft spot for Sam or it might be REALITY KICKING IN!! The phone rings and it is -OMG- Castiel! I missed that dude so much. He’s alive but in a hospital and feels incredibly…human. Turns out the voodoo he worked the last time we saw him drained all his Angelic Mojo. The whole scene is hilarious when Cas describes the pain and itch 😀 Then Castiel apologises to Dean for not believing in him and tells him how proud he is Dean said no to Michael.

The boys head off to Pestilence’s current location in Iowa and take over the security office, trying to figure out which one is Pestilence. They eventually figure it out when he seems to have a buzz on the surveillance cameras following his head.. They try to sneak there but a demon recognises them And if you didn’t realise it was a demon before the eyes went black then you seriously haven’t been watching SPN long enough or enough at all! The demon-nurse notifies Pestilence (who’s still covered in green icky stuff ew ew ew EW!!!) about the boys and tells him they should leave because the Winchesters have a habit of offing horsemen but he decides to unleash the whole Pandora’s Box on them despite Lucifer’s wish/command that the vessels aren’t to be harmed. If Lucy wants them then he can glue them back together. Bwahaha. Right…

Pestilence pollutes the boys with several stuff like scarlet fever, meningitis, and syphilis (again ew) and they lie helpless on the floor, coughing up blood. Pestilence starts the villain talk about how beautiful and pure disease is and that the humans are the ones who are disgusting. Then we have a Deus ex machine, or should I say an angelus ex machina? 😛 That’s right! Castiel saves the day. He apparently got there by bus (LOL – I love that guy ♥) but is obviously affected by the disease spree which makes Pesty really happy since he realises he’s out of angel mojo. Castiel though, catches him off-guard and severs his ring finger. Whoa that was easy… Wasn’t it?  :S However, Pestilence doesn’t seem all too bothered by being several fingers short and disappears telling the guys that “It’s too late”. The guys are healed but are left clearly worried.

Back at Bobby’s place again where Bobby reveals that Death will be in Chicago and that he plans to lay waste to the city, killing 3 million people giving a shitload of details making the Winchesters wonder how he knows so much. The Crowley Tadas and tells them that Bobby did “loan” his soul for Death’s location. Crowley says he will give it back and he seems honest. As honest as a demon can get 😐 The only thing Sam manages to blurt out is whether Bobby kissed Crowley to which Bobby replies a repulsed “NO!”. I was in the middle of telling my hubby that Crowley must have made the bank guy (earlier in the season) to kiss him because he was homophobic but didn’t finish my sentnce as I snorted up my soda when Crowley popped an iPhone and showed the guys the picture of Bobby kissing him, tongue and all LMAO. I cry xD

Sam seems to have mutated into a very calm, down to earth and modest version of himself and admits to Dean that he might be too weak to take on Lucifer and win and contrary to his whole annoying attitude in season 4 (I STILL LOVE YOU SAMMY) he thinks the others are way better men than he. However him saying yes seems like the only plan. Crowley interrupts them and tells them that Niveus Pharmaceuticals (Brady’s medicine company, remember?) will be shipping its swine flu vaccine across the country which is spiked with the croatoan virus. Bwahahaha I didn’t get a vaccine against swine flu! EAT THAT! (Although I did catch swine flu and survived it, rendering the vaccine useless on moi)

Did you watch the promo/commercial with the “O Death” song?  Yup, it showed up in this episode, completely  with music and all Death is strolling in Chicago offing passer bys. The unlikely group splits up: Crowley and Dean are off to Chicago to get Death’s ring, while Sam, Bobby and Castiel are going to try to stop the croatoan virus. Sam muses about when times were simple and they only hunted down ghosts and wendigos. Then out of NOWHERE Crowley hands Dean a scythe that can supposedly kill Death. Well, Death’s own scythe. Then, again out of NOWHERE Crowley reveals he has given Bobby back his walking mojo as part of the deal! Bobby’s back bitch!! And he obviously is very happy, so happy that he spends the night going up and down stairs lmao.

Castiel reveals that he believes Sam’s crazy plan might work because he thinks that Sam might be able to resist Lucifer but warns him that to take in Lucifer, Sam would have to drink gallons of demon blood… Then he drops the (well, expected) bomb: Michael has found another vessel and it is no one other than Adam. I expect Adam will die (again) in the finale cause I really find it unlikely to have him join Sam and Dean in the next season. Sorry man, you apparently are a red shirt.

Bobby, Sam and Castiel arrive on the Niveus warehouse and  come up with an elaborate plan soon to be obsolete because a shipment is leaving earlier than they thought. Sam and Bobby enter the warehouse and off the zombies. Sam helps the civilians escape (and boy was he Hot in that scene. I LOVE YOU JARED!! Hahaha)  Eventually they manage to destroy the virus and then it is Chicago time!

Dean and Crowley arrive in Chicago, but it turns out Crowley was wrong about Death’s exact location but then he accidentally finds him in a pizzeria. Must be a killer pizza. Dean’s intend to enter the restaurant quitely fails since we’re talking about Death himself now, not some kind of reaper. Death then quickly reclaims the scythe from Dean and invites him to join him for pizza. For a moment there I thought he was going to ask Dean to play chess and Dean would curse that Sam wasn’t along 😛  We learn that Death is the oldest of all the horsemen and possibly even older than God and declares that one day he will reap God  as well :S He is also uberly miffed that Lucifer has somehow managed to bind Death to his will. One of the oldest entities in the universe bound to a fallen angel on a tantrum. Nice.  Then (as I expected) Death offers Dean a deal. He will give Dean his ring in order to trap Lucifer again, as well as instructions on how to do so and in exchange, Dean will have to whatever it takes to defeat Lucifer even if that means that he has to allow Sam to say yes to Lucifer.  Dean agrees, but Death warns him not to make false promises, you can’t cheat death after all.

Dean is back in Bobby’s yard, playing around with the four horsemen rings, which are magnetised to each other.Bobby comes along and Dean realises that he made Death a promise he never planned to keep when he agreed to use Sam to defeat Lucifer. Bobby tells Dean that he thinks they may be too hard on Sammy and that he might be more capable of defeating Lucifer than they thought.  He wonders what Dean is more scared of, losing the war or losing his brother? Well duh, what do you think?

The episode ends leaving the boys to deal with a shitload of stuff for the season finale. I really hope they wrap up the arch in season 5 and won’t drag it onto season 6. I’ll be very disappointed if they do 😐 I was very happy at the steadily rebuilding relationship of the brothers. I also loved that they didn’t kill Death. It would seem a bit arrogant I guess. It was a very nice episode. I especially loved the part that lightnings lit up Death’s face making him look ominous and cold(er)

SPN: 5×17 99 Problems Recap [Spoilers]

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 10, 2010 by Geek Tv

And now onto Supernatural!

My GOD what an episode that was 😮 First of all I went in fangirl mode because of Michael Shanks. I am very fond of him and it was nice to see him again! This has to be one of the best and most EPIC episodes of Season 5. It reminded me a lot of the 2nd& 3rd season and compared to last week’s mild episode this was right the fix I needed!

The episode begins with the brothers clearly scared, being chased by something. Sam is injured and there’s a road block ahead. As they halt demons appear out of nowhere and pull them out of the car. Out of the blue, though the demons are driven away by nothing less than a FIRE BRIGADE TRUCK FILLED WITH HOLY WATER!!!! LMAO xD I loved that part. The group of people not only manages
to drive the way the demons with Holy Water, they also know how to exorcise them! Turns out it is a whole town of hunters, led by Leah the daughter of the town’s priest who claims the angels talk to her and Dean identifies her as a prophet.

After Leah gets a vision about a demons’ nest the whole town goes on a brutal hunt, including the Winchesters. The hunt is successful and a teen guy, Dylan, asks if he can ride back on the Impala. The brothers agree and share a beer but suddenly a demon appears, pulls Dylan under the car. The brothers quickly kill the demon but it is too late for the young man. Back into town, Dylan’s mother blames the brothers and Leah convinces the town they’re punished because of the unbelievers and sets onto putting the town under new rules: no drinking, no smoking, no out-of-wedlock sex, saying that if they follow those rules they will be granted access to paradise on Earth as well as have their loved ones resurrected. Sam comments that they banned pretty much 90% of their personality but Dean stuns him by saying
they’ll all die soon anyway so it doesn’t matter.

Sam tries to reach Castiel but only manages to get his voicemail. He then sets off to the bar, despite the new rules, and talks to the barkeeper who tells him he isn’t a believer. They share a drink and then it’s
curfew time and Sam goes back to the hotel where he confronts Dean, telling him that knowing he has his back is the only thing keeping him going.

Dean leaves despite curfew and heads to the bar where he finds the barkeeper being attacked by townsfolk. Leah had another vision and now the angels want to get rid of all the unbelievers. He doesn’t want to leave his hometown though and the priest tries to calm everyone down. Out of nowhere Dylan’s mother shoots the barkeeper, killing him.

Castiel appears at the hotel. He is horribly drunk, having drained a whole liquor store. Dean arrives and
fills them in about what happened at the bar. Castiel says that Leah isn’t a prophet as he has all the prophets names imprinted on his mind and she’s not one of them. Instead, she is the Whore of Babylon and her purpose is to condemn as many souls as possible to Hell before D-Day and that she probably killed Leah a long time ago. She can only be killed by a true servant of God, using a carved piece of Babylonian wood.

Lacking a true servant of God, Castiel being a fallen angel, Dean is not a believer and Sam is an abomination, they try to recruit Leah’s father. He, of course, refuses at first but then admits that she’s not acting like his daughter and agrees to kill her.

At the compound they find her and her followers having locked up all of the “unbelievers” and intend to burn them all, including the children. The Winchesters, Castiel and the priest attack her but they’re unable to harm her as she possesses some kind of telekinetic powers. Dean fights with her and at the last second stabs her with the Babylonian Stake. To everyone’s surprise she dies.

Sam asks Dean how he did that but Dean says he doesn’t know. Sam is clearly panicked and wants to know if Dean is going to say yes to Michael. Dean says, “Do you really think I’d do that?” but his face speaks volumes and Sam is terrified. They return at the hotel where they tend to the priest’s wounds. Dean offers to bring more bandages but drives off in the Impala instead, leaving Sam behind.

Dean arrives at a house, and rings the doorbell. Lisa (3×02 The Kids are alright) answers. Dean asks how she’s doing and she says she’s doing good, but wants to know what he’s doing there. He tells her things are about to get really, really bad. She wants to know if it’s related to what he does and he admits it is. He tells her that he’s never really been happy, but when he imagines himself happy it’s always with her and Ben. She’s overwhelmed by that revelation and invites him in but Dean says he can’t and he just came to say goodbye. She tells him he’s scaring her, and she again asks him to come in and that whatever he’s thinking about doing, he has to think twice about. He tells her he’s not giving in without some guarantees, and one of them is that Lisa and Ben will be kept safe.

The episode ends implying Dean is finally going to say yes to Michael. He is sick of having people die all around him has seen Heaven and he has seen Hell and also what people would be able to do to earn a place in Heaven. There is no help and he doesn’t see a way out. There’s only a thing he can do to help at least lessen the damage. He can’t feel family with Sam anymore (ever since the last episode) having witnessed that Sam was happier when he was away from him and their dad. What he fails to see is that Sam doesn’t want to go away anymore but tries to cling onto what’s left of his family- ie Dean. Something tells me that we won’t escape a showdown between the brothers and that both are going to agree to become vessels. The season is approaching its end and the episodes are bound to be ridden with action and cliffhangers! I REALLY can’t wait for the next episode!

The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural today

Posted in Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 8, 2010 by Geek Tv

The Vampire Diaries Season 1, Episode 17: Let the Right One In: Stefan and Damon make a new enemy and Stefan suddenly finds himself in a dangerous situation. Damon and Elena try to convince Alaric to work with them to help Stefan. Matt is hopeful that his mom will stick around. After Caroline’s car breaks down in a storm she makes a terrible discovery that shocks everyone in Mystic Falls.

Supernatural Season 5, Episode 17: 99 problems: Sam and Dean are outnumbered by demons, but are saved at the last minute by a group of people who are aware of the Apocalypse, and have been training to fight demons. The small town is extremely religious and Sam and Dean meet Pastor Gideon, who introduces them to his daughter Leah, whom he claims is a prophet.