Archive for summary

Doctor Who: 5×05 Flesh and Stone recap -Spoilers

Posted in Doctor who, Subs with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 2, 2010 by Geek Tv

The episode starts exactly where last week’s one left us at. The Doctor’s party jump and they find themselves caught by the Byzantium’s still existent gravity field. They have also landed on the outside of the Byzantium, upside down. They enter the ship, but are -of course-  followed by the Angels. Father Octavian once again threatens River and my suspicions that she’s a prisoner are confirmed. The Doctor and the others manage to escape and enter the control room and through a hidden door there discover the Oxygen Factory of the ship- a borg tree forest! I’ve seen forests meant for production of oxygen on spaceships before (Sunshine, for instance) but a borg tree forest, man that’s fantastic and makes my geeky smile emerge. Amy seems similarly impressed by it but then Angel Bob calls the Doctor. As Bob reveals the plan of the Angels to absorb the entire universe they realise that Amy is being a creep and has been counting downwards from ten for several minutes without realising it. Just then the Doctor notices a crack on the wall, the exact shape of the one that has been so far following us through the season, bar the previous episode. The Doctor sends everyone away through the forest and stays behind to examine it only to declare that “That’s extremely very not good” before noticing he is surrounded by Angels.

In the meantime Amy obviously doesn’t feel very well and lies down in the forest in fetal position, grasping her head. Back in the control room the Doctor escapes, minus his coat, and follows the others.  They figure out that Amy has a Weeping Angel in the visual centres of her mind. The Doctor tells her if she opens her eyes for more than a second, the Angel will escape and she will die. So as Amy is unable to see the Doctor leaves her with the clerics to protect her from the incoming Angels as the Doctor, River and Father Octavian head off to find a way to stop the Angels and Octavian drops the bomb that River is his prisoner.

The Angels start to tamper with the connections of the borg trees to make the lights flicker and keep on advancing on Amy and the clerics. The Doctor has an epiphany and realises that Time can be rewritten while back in the forest the Angels leave when a light comes from the vault. Two clerics go to investigate and Amy opens here eyes for (less than) a second to state that it’s the same crack from her wall. The remaining clerics forget about the existence of the other two, and then a third cleric goes to investigate. The one remaining cleric forgets about the others’ existence, questioning Amy. But then he also goes to check the light out, leaves Amy his communicator and disappears.

The Doctor and Father Octavian continue, but an Angel grabs Father Octavian by the neck. Apparently they’re not benign anymore and have devised different ways to kill than send you back in time. We saw that in the previous ep as well but then I supposed it was because they were extremely weakened. Before Octavian is killed, he tells the Doctor that River Song was a prisoner because she killed a man; a good man then tells the Doctor to leave him. The Doctor is shaken and as he does leave we can hear the Father’s neck snapping. The Doctor enters the next room where is River with a teleport device which is apparently dead though.

Amy manages to contact the Doctor and tells him that the clerics are gone. The Doctor says the crack is Time itself running out and that’s why the clerics wouldn’t remember each other. He then tells Amy she must go to him to the control room. And with her eyes closed, she follows his sonic screwdriver signal. Amy demands of the Doctor to tell her what the crack would do to her and he says that it would erase her from time itself. She would have never been born. The Doctor speculates that the crack is allowing time to be rewritten and River asks him how they can close it, with the Doctor retorts that a complicated space-time event can close it: himself. He did seem to snap at people loads in this episode, no?

The Angels arrive and surround Amy, whose communicator starts to beep to indicate there are Angels around her. The Doctor tells her that the Angels are still scared and just follow their instincts around her to freeze to stone, but Amy soon gives herself away as blind and the Angels close in to kill her but just in time, River teleports her to the control room. The Doctor exclaims that he could just kiss River to which she replies “Maybe when you’re older” which rules out the rumour that River is the Doctor’s mum.

All the Angels gather at the entrance of the room as they drain energy from the doors, which then open. Angel Bob, demands that the Doctor throws himself into the crack in order to save the Angels, Amy and River from it. River, as a time traveller, wants to throw herself in but the Doctor laughs at the idea, claiming that she is not even as complicated as one Angel and that only all the Angels are equivalent to him. Given this, the Doctor tells his friends to hold on to something and he collapses the artificial gravity, sending all the frozen Angels into the crack similar to vanquishing the Cybermen and Daleks in Doomsday.. This is enough to seal it, erasing them all from existence. The group escapes to the outside of the temple, Amy safe now that the Angel in her mind has been erased from time. They remember those erased from time because they are time travellers themselves. River tells the Doctor she will see him again when the Pandorica opens and that the man she murdered was the best man she’d ever known which makes me believe that she killed the Doctor himself :S I also look forward to see Pandorica and River once again! She is then teleported back to the penal ship, with the remaining clerics.

Amy tells the Doctor to take her home where, she reveals to him that she is getting married in the morning and tries to seduce him. LMAO I didn’t see that one coming. Out of all the companions (except Donna of course) Amy is the one I least expected to make a move on the Doctor 😛 He declines and realises that she is at the centre of all the cracks and that the time explosion which created them occurs today, the day of her wedding which is (if all episodes are not interrupted) the final episode date of Series 5. He quickly whisks her away in order to try to sort the issue out.


I love Steven Moffat. To pieces. This episode has once again lived up to my expectations! The Weeping Angels are seen moving for the first time! This was creepy and fantastic! It sure left us with way more questions about River though. I really really believe she killed the Doctor :s

There’s a funny moment where River says that it must always end with handcuffs with her and the Doctor. This is unknowingly referencing “Forest of the Dead” where River cuffed herself to a post to help the Doctor survive, thus sacrificing herself.

In overall I really enjoyed the episode but would probably enjoy it more with subtitles :/ Matt Smith talks very fast and entertaining as that may be, he is really difficult to follow without subs :S

Screencaps time!

Supernatural: 5×20 The Devil You Know recap

Posted in Supernatural with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 1, 2010 by Geek Tv

The episode begins in a similar manner with 28 Days later (I believe the roots of the Croatoan virus lie in this film :3) It’s a lab full of monkeys and lab rats. They’re apparently working on the swine flu vaccine. A “supervisor” appears out of the blue and stabs one of the lab doctors with an injection. Turns out it’s the Croatoan virus. Human attacks human and creates a gorey mess.

Sam and Dean once again fake ID and pretend to be part of the CDC. They want to know if any of the flu victims are exhibiting signs of homicidal tendencies. The doctor obviously think they’re nuts but says that almost two days earlier no one was suffering from the flu, now there are over 70 cases at the hospital. It can’t be a coincidence that statues started crying around the same time. (Again NOT smart to mention that in front of the doc) Seems like a definite job of Pestilence.

Crowley, the crossroads demon we first met in “Abandon All Hope” pops in on Sam and Dean while they’re in the Impala. The brothers immediately try to kill him. The Winchesters have such good reflexes hehehehe. The brothers are extremely (and with every right) angered at him since he was the one that gave them the Colt to take down Lucifer and the Colt didn’t do a thing. And even worse, Jo and Ellen died in the process. (I still believe they’ll somehow pop back alive and yell SURPRISE! 😐 ) Crowley, though, says he still wants to take down Lucifer and says how to get Pestilence. He’s in an even bigger hurry to stop the apocalypse because Lucifer now knows Crowley’s out to get him which makes him a wanted demon. Crowley also knows about the rings of the Horsemen as he had his valet hide a magical tracking device in the Metallicar the night the Winchesters broke into his house. Son of a… He knows everything  claims he has heard. He tells the boys they have to track down a demon whose job it is to handle the itinerary for the Horsemen. You know, running over the logistics, restocking on sugar and coffee around the office and all. LOL.

This demon, Brady, works for a pharmaceuticals company (Niveus) and they have a vaccine that will “help cure” the recent flu outbreak. After an executive meeting the demon, Brady slits the throat of one of his employees (because the poor man said he was doing his best :S) and uses his blood to call Pestilence.

An increasingly angry Sam doesn’t want to listen to Crowley while Dean doesn’t see any reason not to listen to him.  Sam has been listening to Demons forever though and is probably sick of it. Dean, however, believes Crowley which might be the stupidest thing ever but what choice do they have? Crowley takes Dean on the Brady mission leaving Sam behind (in spite of Sam’s will) Sam’s, of course, not happy about it. He calls Bobby and the two share a drink while Sam tells him what just happened. Sam then asks Bobby about the time he was possessed and he took back his body. That’s how he ended up in the wheelchair. Anyway, Sam wants to know how he did it. Sam’s thinking he can say yes to Lucifer but somehow take back possession long enough to lock him in the cage. I really saw this one coming. Ever since the end of the last episode I expected Sammy would suggest/do something incredibly stupid like this.  Bobby tells Sam how ridiculous the idea really is but Sam says he won’t do it not unless they all agree. As I said: I expect bro showdown

Dean and Crowley, show up at Niveus to get Brady. Crowley kills a couple of the guards and forces Dean to godo the deed alone and sends him up to the executive floor. Dean faces Brady who wants nothing to do with the rings Dean is “offering” him. He says he just wants retribution for Dean rendering War and Famine useless. Brady startsbeating Dean down badly. Dean retreas in shock only to lead Brady into the open arms or rather Demon Trap-Bag. Oh yeah. THAT was the plan o_O

Crowley carves stuff on Brady’s chest to make sure the demon’s locked in the meat suit. He then tells Dean to head in a different direction because they can’t take Brady back to his brother because the two have a history. AND AT THIS MOMENT I get an epiphany and remember where I know the bs from! Dean stops the car and demands to know the details.

Sam is waiting impatiently at the cabin and goes to Dean who’s tying up the prisoner. Dean asks Sam to focus and stay on mission and hopes that Sam won’t let his anger mess him up. Sam finally finds out that the prisoner is his best friend from Stanford. The one who introduced him to Jessica. OK, did have an epiphany before but I’d never imagine this hadn’t it been for the previous scene 😛  Turns out that Brady’s been a demon  all along. Sam of course is mad. Crowley fails to get the whereabouts of Pestilence out of Brady and Sam locks Dean in the bathroom and goes after his ex-best friend. Brady explains how the Yellow-Eyed Demon had Brady possessed after it looked like they were losing Sam. A possessed Brady introduced him to Jessica, waited for them to fall in love and then “toasted her on the ceiling.” Poor poor Sammy and poor Jessica 😦 Brady then proceeds on describing in detail the night he killed Jessica. Sam angrily takes the knife to Brady’s throat but refrains from killing him! Way to go Sammy ❤

Crowley comes back and he lets Brady know he’s also a wanted demon. Hahaha this was golden! Unfortunately, right then a hellhound howls and apparently everyone is afraid of the hellhounds. Even Demons. I especially liked the detail of Dean freaking out at the mere thought of the hellhounds as he did die from them. Anyway, the hellhound apparently followed Crowley back  which is all right though. Crowley brings over his own pet hellhound (My dog is bigger than yours)  A friggin cool invisible hell hound fight ensues. Loved the effects :3 The Winchesters, Crowley and Brady flee. They manage to get the whereabouts of Pestilence out of Brady and Crowley leaves. Then you notice Sammy who is standing very very still and looks very very angry. Dean salts the way out for Brady and it’s Sammy revenge showdown time. Sam is about to fry the demon but then Brady starts saying that the reason why Sam fell for what Brady and Ruby and the YED was because they all have the same stuff running through their veins and deep down he’s just like them. Sam though drives the knife home and offs the annoying frak for good.  Sam’s priceless response to Brady “Interesting theory.”

Bobby’s on the phone with Rufus but then Crowley shows up and wants Bobby to make a deal with him. Crowley needs a soul in order to work up some magic that’ll get him the location for the fourth and final horseman. He says it’s only temporary, that he’ll give the soul back and it seems Bobby is considering it :S Ouch, ouch ouch! Hello??? Demons lie all the time Bobby, you’re better than that!


I never seem able to stop saying wow after an SPN episode. This one really reminded me a bit of Season 2. The atmosphere was very similar. And I missed the black eyed sobs! I am really happy with Sam who proved he could control himself when he didn’t kill Brady the first time around but I also loved him offing the bastard in the end. If there’s one death he deserved to deliver this was the one. I utterly adored Jared’s performance in this episode. The guy rocks, he has proven that many times, but he was fantastic. He generates the anger vibe so well you might start wondering if he’s not an angry person himself 😛

I posted the screencaps earlier so here’s a link to the screencap post:

Vampire Diaries: Season Finale Brief Summary

Posted in The Vampire Diaries with tags , , , , , , , , on April 22, 2010 by Geek Tv

The CW has released several May Highlights and the season finale of The Vampire Diaries summary has been revealed. The episode is called Founders Day

Founder’s Day has finally arrived, and everyone is busy with last-minute preparations for floats and fireworks. Although Damon and Alaric do their best to stop him, Johnathan Gilbert  sets a plan in motion that brings Founder’s Day to an end amid chaos, destruction and death.

Doctor Who: 5×04 Time of the Angels synopsis and stills

Posted in Doctor who with tags , , , , , , , , , on April 19, 2010 by Geek Tv

he enigmatic River Song hurtles back into the Doctor life but she’s not the only familiar face returning… The Weeping Angels are back! The Doctor is recruited by Father Octavian to track the last of the Angels through the terrifying Maze of the Dead. As the Time Lord faces the Lonely Assassins, last seen in Blink, River Song is by his side.

These “angels” are actually aliens who have a built-in defense mechanism — if they come into anyone’s vision, they are transfixed into stone. But when those people look away, the angels move incredibly quickly to grab you. Their touch sends you back in time, and the angels feed off the residual energy of the life you would have had.

“They’re the only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely”
~The Tenth Doctor

  • This is, in truth, the third appearance of the Weeping Angels if one counts non-TV appearances; they have previously featured in DW: Blink and in Captain Jack’s Monster Files (See WC: A Ghost Story for Christmas)
    Steven Moffat stated in a TalkTalk interview that his son – while watching the episode – said 15 minutes through the episode: “Dad, that is the single most scariest thing I’ve ever seen in my life!”
    When teasing the new series, one of the things Moffat mentioned was “the Doctor’s mistake in the maze of the dead” – no doubt a reference to this episode
  • There are lots of clips of this episode in the trailers for Series 5. These include-A group of Angels not Weeping, not Screaming, just putting their hands in the air.
    -Some Angels capturing River Song and the Clerics
    -An Angel in a vault with Amy looking at it through a T.V monitor – in Doctor Who Magazine 418 including a preview of this episode, the synopsis states the Angel is in the Byzantium Spaceship and is being stored in the vault, but escapesHow the other Angels come along is unknown.-A Single Angel screaming
  • A clip for the episode heavily indicates that this episode will not chroniclce River Song’s first meeting with the Doctor (from her perspective), as she knows, interestignly, how the pilot the TARDIS herself and claims that he “leaves the breaks on” (causing the materialising noise) and talks about him as if they have traveled together before

If you missed the teaser trailer you can see it here

TVD 1×20 and 1×21 Synopsis and stills

Posted in The Vampire Diaries with tags , , , , , on April 17, 2010 by Geek Tv

1×20 Blood Brothers

While Stefan struggles to come to terms with his past, both he and Damon reveal parts of their history to Elena, until she finally learns the truth about how they became vampires. Pearl has an ugly confrontation with Jonathan Gilbert. Damon and Alaric try to find a mysterious invention before Jonathan does. The friendship and flirtation between Jeremy and Anna continues to grow.

1×21 Isobel

Isobel returns to town and stuns Alaric with her attitude and her demands that he arrange a meeting with Elena. When mother and daughter finally meet, Isobel refuses to answer most of Elena’s questions, but reveals that she will stop at nothing to find the mysterious invention Johnathan Gilbert has been searching for. Isobel’s dangerous actions lead Stefan, Damon and Bonnie (ABOUT TIME!) to step in and help Elena deal with the situation.

TVD: 1×19 Miss Mystic Falls Trailer and summary

Posted in The Vampire Diaries with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 16, 2010 by Geek Tv

At the Founder’s Day Gala, Elena and Caroline compete for the title of “Miss Mystic Falls” against other girls from town, including Tina Fell and Amber Bradley. Elena is happy to have Bonnie back in town, but Bonnie still has issues to work through. John Gilbert attempts to intimidate Damon, but his plan doesn’t have the desired effect. Damon discovers that Stefan is hiding a dangerous secret that could impact everyone in town.

Last Night’s episode review coming soon!